Diabetes Recipes:
Grilled Vegetables
Grilled Tofu
Grillled Bread
Grilled Peaches
Diabetes Cyber Kitchen Takes To The Backyard…And the Road
Summer is a volatile season. Its winds and wings reach out over our bodies and spirits. During the dog days of blistering heat ….. moods swing, and appetite languishes. Who ‘s hungry in the midst of 99 degrees muggy, humid, vaporous heatwaves? But, when summer is bright and clear ….. with happy sunshine days and magical, balmy nights ….. all is right with the world and the appetite. Still, in summer, our taste buds make seasonal changes, turning to fresh, colorful, exciting, easy to cook, easy to eat foods As diabetics, certain meal and mealtime requirements must be factored into the mix of summer eating. But, not to worry. Put on your sandals or flip-flops and come outside with me for a trip to local farm sheds, produce stands, and fisheries for some good shopping, simple preparation, and fabulous eating.
If you don’t already know where to go for fresh summer foods, check local newspapers, the Parks department, Chamber of Commerce, or simply ask neighbors who have lived in the area for some time. This kind of precious information gets around since farmers and fishermen are all over the country showing off their catch of the day and beautiful tomatoes, corn, peaches, and berries. Once you’ve found your sources for fresh foods, find a little spot outdoors, to set up a grill. Now you are ready to prepare yourself BG friendly meals, that will both nourish and delight. I bought a tabletop grill for $5 in Walmart last week and have been using it every evening on my back doorstep. As you try this simple type of cooking, you may find yourself becoming a healthy grill king or queen….. tongs in hand, basting your way through lazy hazy days of summer. Don’t forget to check Recipe Central for a few easy tips, recipes, and methods for backyard grilling.
Summer is also about traveling and vacations. When traveling with diabetes it’s good to make a “to-do” list that may insure a stress-free, fun-filled, healthy trip. Some diabetic friends who are frequent travelers offered great tips and hints that I pass on to you so that this summer …… traveling will really be a vacation.
- Laura Laria learned to carry small boxes of raisins and packets of peanut butter or cheese crackers to ward off low blood sugars, and growling hunger, during airplane delays she experienced on one too many occasions. These snacks are n especially helpful when airport food stands are not yet open, or, have closed shop for the night.
- Steve Donahue reminds us about time change adjustments for insulin regimens and pumps clocks. You may arrive across the country or overseas and wonder why your blood sugars are acting up. Remember to make time adjustments.
- Dana Hariton has learned to carry saltines at all times. You never know where or when you’ll be stuck without food. Saltines don’t need refrigeration, are light to pack, and will stabilize blood sugar without ruining your appetite. Dana also warns about hidden carbs and sugars in many foreign foods. Her advice is to always carry plenty of extra strips and test often.
- Brad Saks packs a jump rope and checks local TV for exercise programs to get in a workout while on business trips.
- Linda McClure warns to beware of foreign bugs. Carrying a prescription from your doctor for an antibiotic can save your life in the event you are struck by one of those ne’er-do-wells while traveling.
- Bill King recommends making and following a simple plan. Visualize the travel event and plan for any and all potentials. King strongly suggests staying hydrated by drinking plenty of (bottled) water, as dehydration can cause problems with insulin sensitivity as well as false high bg readings..
Don’t Leave Home Without These
- Wear some form of ID notifying that you have diabetes. It can be a necklace, bracelet, insignia, pin, even a tattoo In addition to this, slip diabetes identification into everything you carry …. wallet or passport folder, suitcases, carry-ons, pockets, even your traveling companion’s pockets. The American Diabetes Association prints ID cards as well as safe travel pamphlets.
- Remember the importance of access. Always carry insulin and/or pump supplies, test supplies, medications, and glucagon, on your person, along with a note from your doctor testifying you have diabetes.
- Be on the safe side. Carry extra prescriptions for medications needles/syringes and insulin.
- If you are going on an extended stay to a foreign country, check with the International Diabetic Athletes Assoc. (800 898-4322) for doctor listings in many foreign countries or, browse bestdoctors.com.
- Read up, or visit Internet sites, regarding your destination, so you can plan ahead and anticipate any possible problems. You may also check out some of the diabetes sites for travel tips …..The ADA site, www.diabetes.org, www.mendosa.com/diabetes.htm and, the great diabetesnet.com site you’re on right now.
- Remember to take care of any immunization shots certain countries require.
- Diarrhea is a common ailment that affects travelers, don’t forget to pack medication for that.
- Learn how to say “diabetes” in the language spoken in your destination country.
- Take shots in private. Think of the stress of trying to explain diabetes in a country where you don’t speak the language. You might find yourself stammering while a bevy of police hovers around to confiscate your syringes.
- Don’t even think about drinking the water! Your choices are bottled water or bottled water.
We can’t take a vacation from our diabetes, but, like packing up for the kids, we can make a checklist, and pack up for diabetes. By planning ahead you’ll be free to enjoy the pleasures of a vacation without worry or stress.
Healthy Grilling and Happy Travels, from Judith’s Cyber Kitchen
TIP….. grill more than what you need for 1 meal. I usually load up the grill with as many veggies as fit without overcrowding. Grilled leftovers are great the next day. A grilled vegetable and mozzarella sandwich on focaccia bread, or cold grilled chicken nested atop a big green salad, with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a big squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice, elevates lunch to another level cooking note …..In recipe instructions, the big T stands for tablespoon, and the little t stands for teaspoon.