This list of older presentations is designed to be a resource for people with diabetes, health care professionals, diabetes educators, and students (See current presentations). They should only be used as historical references, as the information has likely been updated over the years since they were initially presented. These presentations can be downloaded, but the original authors should be referenced if used elsewhere. To download, right-click the link and choose “Save Link As” to download the PDFs. Take a look at presentations by:
John Walsh PA, CDE – Physician assistant and diabetes clinical specialist at Advanced Metabolic Care and Research in Escondido, CA. The webmaster of, co-author of Pumping Insulin, Using Insulin, and Stop the Rollercoaster.
Gary Scheiner MS, CDE – Certified diabetes educator and owner and operator of Integrated Diabetes Services, specializes in intensive blood glucose control and lifestyle intervention for people with diabetes.
Andrea Gasper, MS, PA-C – Physician assistant, provides clinical care at the VA San Diego Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Presentations by John Walsh
Full list of presentations, past and present
Novel and Basic Pump Ideas
A presentation John gave to 60 industry personnel on novel and basic ideas to improve glucose outcomes for insulin pump wearers.
New devices and research regarding Type 1 diabetes from the 2018 ADA Conference in Orlando
Presented to the San Diego Pump Club on July 9, 2018
Tried and True Tips and New Advances in Diabetes
These slides review pump tips and pump advances with new information on artificial pancreas projects, implanted CGMs, and faster insulins. This presentation was given at the San Diego Take Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) meeting and at the San Diego Pump Club meeting in late 2016.
Clinical Benefits of CGM
Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute on May 3, 2016 and Canadian endocrinologists visiting Dexcom on April 29, 2016
This talk covers benefits of pumps and CGMs, the 5 paths to better readings, identification of glucose patterns, and lots of tips on how to use real time and downloaded CGM data.
Infusion Sets—The Weakest Link?
San Diego Pump Club in September 2015
Little attention has been paid over the years to the effectiveness of the infusion set in the push to improve insulin pumps and CGMs and connect them with an algorithm into an artificial pancreas. Not all infusion sets are delivering insulin well. Too often Unexplained High Glucose or UHG happens from a malfunctioning infusion set and the wearer misdiagnoses it as “I ate the wrong thing.” Is the problem coming from a mismatch between poor infusion set design, the user’s technique, or other physiology? See what the latest research and thinking has to say about the state of infusion sets, including a discussion of a reduction in silent occlusions with BD’s new FlowSmart infusion set.
Glucose Control With Today’s Insulin Pumps and CGMs
3rd Annual Diabetes Type 1 Conference at ANA Intercontinental Tokyo in May 2015
Great info on all the latest insulin pumps available. Also has information on CGMs, optimal TDDs and more.
Insulin Pumps Secrets and Settings and for Great Glucose Control
Type One Nation Presentation at the Sansum Clinic Support Group in March 2015
Tips on state-of-the-art pumping with a CGM, steps to optimize pump settings, plus things you never knew about pumping. Why your TDD and DIA are so important. Common causes for unwanted readings. How CGM downloads and trend lines can help you trouble-shoot frequent highs, frequent lows, roller-coaster readings, post-meal spikes, and more. Tips on when your bolus calculator or infusion set may be part of the problem.
Insulin Pump Settings and Secrets for Great Glucose Control (PDF 9.7 mb)
Presentation by John Walsh PA, CDTC at Type One Nation in March 2015
Learn the nuts and bolts of pumping and get an overview of today’s state-of-the-art insulin pumps and how to set them up for best results. Get ready to learn the things you never knew about pumps and pumping.
Troubleshooting Common Control Issues (PDF 12.3 mb)
Presentation by John Walsh PA, CDTC at Type One Nation in March 2015
Review common sources for failure on an insulin pump and how to solve them. Learn how to trouble shoot unexpected high or low patterns and learn clever tricks to get the most out of your pump and CGM.
Insulin Pump Tune Up (PDF 2.7 mb)
Presentation by John Walsh PA, CDTC and Chris Sadler MA, PA-C, CDE, CDTC for TCOYD
Latest on Pumps, CGMs, and Connectivity (PDF 9.9 mb)
A presentation given in Ft Murray in November 2014
The Latest on Insulin Pumps and Glycemia (PDF 6.3 mb)
This Grand Rounds presentation, entitled “The Latest on Insulin Pumps and Glycemia” was given at the UCSD/VA Hospital in La Jolla, CA, on Feb. 12, 2014. Lots of tools, tips, and insights.
Advanced Pumping Techniques – TCOYD 2013 (PDF 6.8 mb)
A presentation on the latest in pumps and CGM, tips to achieve better glucose levels, and the latest breakthrough technologies in diabetes.
Exercise Tech – insulinINdependance Conference 2013 (PDF 7.2 mb)
John’s presentation at the Insulindependence Conference 2013 on the latest diabetes technology with a focus on insulin pumps and exercise.
The Latest on Insulin Pumps (PDF – 3.2 mb)
How to get the most out of an insulin pump for pump wearers. Includes lots of tips and tricks and how to remedy common mistakes.
Advanced Pump Workshop (PDF – 5.9 mb)
This half-day clinical workshop covers insulin pump therapy in great detail using results of the Actual Pump Practices Study. Topics include glucose management, how to tune the bolus calculator, BOB, DIA, insulin stacking, infusion set issues and solutions, and CGMs for better control.
Insulin Therapy – Taking it to the Next Level (PDF – 1.9 mb)
This presentation discusses insulin therapy and includes numerous tips on how to achieve the best results.
Glucose Management and the Actual Pump Practices Study
Presentation for St. Michael’s Hospital Staff for Medtronic of Canada, June 22, 2012
Slideshow (in parts) – #1-Glucose Management and Actual Pump Practices Study – #2-Bolus Calculator Settings – #3 -DIA, BOB, and Insulin Stacking – #4- Infusion Set Issues – #5-CGMs for Better Control – or A PDF of all 5 Workshops
Advanced Pump Strategies – The Latest on Pumps and CGMs
Presentation at Toronto Congress Center for Animas Canada, June 23, 2012
2 Presentations- The Latests on Pumps & CGMs – or a PDF of Both Talks (4.6 mb)
Patch or Line Pump – Which Works Best?
Presentation at TCOYD Conference with Karmeen Kulkarni, RD, in San Diego, CA – November 12, 2011
Presentation on Patch and Line Pumps (PDF – 9.6 mb)
Evolution of Insulin Pumps & CGMs Toward An Artificial Pancreas
Presentation at Diabetes Technology Meeting in Burlingame, CA – Oct 27, 2011
Evolution of Insulin Pumps & CGMs – Toward An Artificial Pancreas (PDF – 9.4 mb)
Emerging Technologies: Bolus Calculators, Pumps And CGMs
Presentation to Children With Diabetes in Orlando, FL – July 2011
Web Presentation – Emerging Technologies (PDF – 12 mb)
Advanced Pumping Strategies That Work
Presentation to Children With Diabetes in Orlando, FL -July 2011
Web Presentation – PDF or Advanced Pumping Strategies (PDF – 9.8 mb)
Pumps and Sensors Practical Problem Solving
Presentation to Children With Diabetes in Charlotte, NC – September 2010
Web Presentation – PPT Presentation (8.5 mb ) – PDF (9.6 mb)
Advanced Pump Features And Their Use
Presentation to Children With Diabetes in La Jolla, CA- Oct 2009
Advanced Pump Features and Their Use provides information on special and future pump features, CGMs, pump settings, pumps for Type 2s, DIA and BOB. Please view the slideshow.
Pumping Basics: Start for Success
Presentation to Children With Diabetes in La Jolla, CA- Oct 2009
Pumping Basics provides information on reasons to use a pump, who’s a candidate, brands and features, CGMs, infusion set choices, pump start and the future of pumping. Please view the slideshow.
Management Tips For Insulin Use
Presentation to Diabetes Educators in Calgary, Alberta
Management Tips For Insulin Use covers why insulin is needed, what it does, and how to replace it when production is lost in Type 1a and Type 2 diabetes. Discusses long and rapid acting insulins, mixed insulin, insulin pens, use in Type 2 diabetes, causes for lows and highs, and new treatments in using insulin. Please view the slideshow or download a PDF version (2.6 MB) for easy viewing.
Future Insulin Pump Features
We have been developing new ideas for several years to make insulin pumps more helpful to wearers. You can see the full list of proposed insulin pump features as a slideshow or Powerpoint.
Proposed Insulin Pump Standards
This slideshow presents a preliminary set of Manufacturing Standards For Insulin Pumps designed to improve insulin pump use and medical outcomes. Comments and suggestions on these guidelines are welcomed. Please view the slideshow. Be patient — there are 29 proposed features presented over 157 slides.
Previous versions: 12/03/08 (Slideshow or Powerpoint), 11/10/08 (Slideshow or Powerpoint) and 10/10/08 (Slideshow or Powerpoint).
Current & Emerging Technologies In Insulin Pumps & Continuous Monitors –
May 2008
Learn about new trends in insulin pumps and continuous monitors in this web slideshow or downloadable Powerpoint presentation.
Introduction to Pumping – Starting and Success
August 2007 at the CWD Conference
Learn how to start pumping the right way with this helpful presentation. View the slideshow or download the Powerpoint Presentation.
Exercise, Pumps, & Continuous Monitors – June 2007 at the DESA Exercise Conference
Get the latest tips and tricks for combining insulin pumps and continuous monitors with your fitness plan from this slideshow or the downloadable Powerpoint presentation.
Insulin Pumps Give Different Bolus Recommendations When BOB Is Large – February 2007
Find out why differences in Bolus on Board calculations are important and when they will occur by viewing the BOB slideshow. You can also download the Powerpoint presentation.
Comparison Of The Two Currently Available Continuous Monitors – January 2007
The Dexcom STS and the Paradigm RT continuous monitors are currently available in the U.S. with a prescription. In this study, they are compared head to head while being worn by one person with Type 1 diabetes. Is one monitor better than the other? How close are the monitor readings to the Ultra fingerstick readings? Find out by viewing the comparison slideshow or downloading the Powerpoint presentation.
Smart Pumps & Tomorrow’s Intelligent Devices – July 2005
See how classic diabetes devices have improved and will continue to improve in this presentation. View the Slideshow or download the Powerpoint Presentation
Changes In Diabetes Care – September 2004
Learn about the history of insulin pumps in this slideshow
The Super Bolus and the Intelligent BG Alert – September 2004
This slideshow details new insulin pump ideas to improve glucose levels, avoid hypoglycemia, and speed correction of hyperglycemia.
Intelligent Devices – September 2004
This slideshow details the idea of a “Smart Pen” that demonstrates the possibilities for intelligent diabetes devices.
Simultaneous Device Wear May Disclose Disparate Continuous Glucose Monitoring Performance (PDF – 739 kb)
by John Walsh PA CDE and Timothy Bailey MD FACE CPI
Disparate Bolus Recommendations In Insulin Pump Therapy (PDF – 363 kb)
by John Walsh PA CDE and Timothy Bailey MD FACE CPI
Insulin Pump Settings A Major Source For Insulin Dose Errors (PDF – 507 kb)
by John Walsh PA CDE, Dariusz Wroblewski PhD, and Timothy S. Bailey MD FACE CPI
Presentations by Gary Scheiner
Improving Diabetes Control with Accurate Carb Counting
One major advantage of carbohydrate counting is that it can improve your blood glucose levels. This slideshow details the best tips, tricks, and methods to accurately count carb. You can also download the Powerpoint Presentation.
Strategies for Combating After-Meal Highs
Learn how to measure and control after meal blood sugar levels in this helpful slideshow. You can also download the Powerpoint Presentation.
Hypoglycemia: Prevention and Treatment
This slideshow details a number of ways to prevent and treat hypoglycemia. You can also download the Powerpoint Presentation.
Presentations by Andrea Gasper
Pumps and Dosing Software: The Latest Advances
Presented in 2007 at the ADA Diabetes Technology Clinical Focus Meeting
Read about the latest advances in insulin pump and dosing software in this helpful PDF presentation.