Diabetes Resources

Unfortunately, our site can’t answer all your questions, so we’ve gathered other great diabetes-related resources here. We have internet links, contact information for diabetes companies and associations, conference information, and more.

Diabetes-Related Links

See our collection of links ranging from diabetes information to search engines and online activities.

Diabetes Links | Search Engines | Pets with Diabetes | Fun Activities On-Line

Diabetes Companies

View the names and contact information of various diabetes-related companies and associations.

Meter Companies | Pump Companies | Drug Companies

Diabetes Associations

View the names and contact information of various diabetes-related companies and associations.

Diabetes Conferences, Meetings, and Events

Get the latest reports from old conferences and schedules of new conferences. List of conferences for Children With Diabetes, American Diabetes Association, American Association of Diabetes Educators and more.

Diabetes Publications

Enjoy links to various diabetes-related publications.

Journals and Magazines | Dictionaries and Libraries

Diabetes Presentations

This list of presentations is designed to be a resource for people with diabetes, health care professionals, diabetes educators, and students. These presentations can be downloaded, but the original authors should be referenced if they are used elsewhere. Take a look at presentations by:

John Walsh PA, CDE | Gary Scheiner MS, CDE | Andrea Gasper, MS, PA-C

Diabetes Assistance

Diabetes can be expensive, and many people with it need help paying some of the bills. An insurance plan would be ideal, but this is not the case for everyone. If you lack healthcare coverage, many drug companies provide healthcare assistance if you meet specific requirements. Below is a list of sites that can help you get specific assistance. For the pharmaceutical sites, determine who manufactures the drug you need and contact them to see what assistance they can provide.